
Adam Robinson is a shakuhachi player based in New York City. He has studied the iconic Japanese flute with Ralph Samuelson continuously since 2012 and has taken lessons in Japan with Tokumaru Jumei and Yamato Shudo. To supplement his shakuhachi life he studies Japanese ensemble music with acclaimed koto and shamisen players Sumie Kaneko (Yamada School) and Yoko Hiraoka (Ikuta School). 
Adam attended The New School for Jazz and Contemporary Music where he studied improvisation and tenor saxophone. Post-grad experience in Conceptual Harmony was undertaken from 2013-2020 with La Monte Young, Marian Zazeela and Jung Hee Choi. He was a an original member of Gamin’s Unforgotten Song project in 2019. He currently teaches shakuhachi privately and at Columbia University, performs with The Hudson Valley Shakuhachi Choir, and participates in performances around the New York metropolitan area.